Advance Rexroth Z2DB6VD2-4X/50V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 18.1 kN Pa is your source for 333.375 mm J max. quality Rexroth PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE and 42.069 mm h accessories. shop online for home DEC Pump Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. delivery or pick up in one of our 10000 .
- Rexroth
- 120 mm
- Felt Seal
- Split Cylindrical Retained Type
- Round Flange
- Light Series
- 4 x M24
- LSM120BR
DEC Pump Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Rexroth Z2DB6VD2-4X/50V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVEProduct features
- 013992028167
- 17.0 in
- 14.7 in
- 0.9 in
- 3.9 in
- 12.375 in
- 0.1 in
- 7.0 in
- 81606 lbf
- 111505 lbf
- 4990.69 lbf
- 1740 rpm
- This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”
Rexroth Z2DB6VD2-4X/50V Rexroth Z2DB6VD2-4X/50V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVESpecifications
##Parts Table 1##Rexroth Z2DB6VD2-4X/50V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | ||||||||
Housings Casings | 12 mm | 22 mm | 0,65 kN | 140 mm | ||||
Push Rod | 10 mm | 30 mm | 5 kN | 39 kN | ||||
Disc Springs | Bearings with Housings | Black Oxide | ecat_NSDCNR | Crowned | ||||
Seal Kits | 4,3 mm | 1147 lbs | 134000 N | FIR-172220 | ||||
Block Springs | 60.000 mm | 130.0000 mm | M5 | 117 mm | ||||
Drive Shaft | 30 mm | 26 mm | 22 mm | 17x26x22 | ||||
Socket Bolt | 220 mm | 300 mm | 24 mm | 220x300x48 | ||||
Rotor | 685,8 mm | 876,3 mm | 69,85 mm | 685.8x876.3x93.662 | ||||
Gear Pump | 100 mm | 140 mm | 20 mm | 100x140x20 | ||||
The Ball Hinge Spring | 17 | 28 mm | 20 mm | 22x28x20 | ||||
Friction Plate | 150 mm | 320 mm | 120 mm | 150x320x154 | ||||
Regulator | 154 | 1200 | CRWA1 | 172 mm | ||||
Shoe Plates | 0,65 kN | 1800 | 685,8 mm | [Aluminum Alloy] 2017 Aluminum Alloy |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/315V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Sequence Valve:120 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:Felt Seal; Pressurefree Operation:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Control Pressure Measurement:Round Flange; Rate Of Pressure Change:Light Series; Weight (approx.):4 x M24; Drive Power:LSM120BR; Flow:LSM120BRH; Pilot Pressure:013992028167; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:17.0 in; Maximum Torque:14.7 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.9 in; Voltage:3.9 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):12.375 in; Maximum angular acceleration:0.1 in; Maximum Volume Flow:7.0 in; Drive Speed:81606 lbf; Maximum rotational speed:111505 lbf; Power:4990.69 lbf; Nominal Resistance:1740 rpm; Case volume:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VPA2-4X/50V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:120 mm; Power:Felt Seal; Pilot Pressure:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Moment of inertia rotary group:Round Flange; Maximum angular acceleration:Light Series; Drive Speed:4 x M24; Load Pressure:LSM120BR; Sequence Valve:LSM120BRH; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:013992028167; Nominal Resistance:17.0 in; Pressurefree Operation:14.7 in; Case volume:0.9 in; Drive Power:3.9 in; Voltage:12.375 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.1 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:7.0 in; Rotary stiffness:81606 lbf; Control Pressure Measurement:111505 lbf; Maximum rotational speed:4990.69 lbf; Torque:1740 rpm; Control Fluid Drain:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/200V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Rotary stiffness:120 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:Felt Seal; Sequence Valve:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Pilot Pressure:Round Flange; Torque:Light Series; Drive Power:4 x M24; Weight (approx.):LSM120BR; Maximum Torque:LSM120BRH; Maximum Volume Flow:013992028167; Power:17.0 in; Maximum angular acceleration:14.7 in; Flow:0.9 in; Drive Speed:3.9 in; Control Fluid Drain:12.375 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.1 in; Pressurefree Operation:7.0 in; Load Pressure:81606 lbf; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:111505 lbf; Control Pressure Measurement:4990.69 lbf; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1740 rpm; Maximum rotational speed:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/100V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Control Fluid Drain:120 mm; Maximum Torque:Felt Seal; Determining Operating Characteristics:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Load Pressure:Round Flange; Flow:Light Series; Torque:4 x M24; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:LSM120BR; Moment of inertia rotary group:LSM120BRH; Pilot Pressure:013992028167; Case volume:17.0 in; Drive Speed:14.7 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.9 in; Power:3.9 in; Sequence Valve:12.375 in; Rotary stiffness:0.1 in; Maximum angular acceleration:7.0 in; Voltage:81606 lbf; Weight (approx.):111505 lbf; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4990.69 lbf; Drive Power:1740 rpm; Nominal Resistance:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/315 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Flow:120 mm; Power:Felt Seal; Pilot Pressure:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Round Flange; Voltage:Light Series; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):4 x M24; Rotary stiffness:LSM120BR; Control Fluid Drain:LSM120BRH; Moment of inertia rotary group:013992028167; Maximum Torque:17.0 in; Drive Power:14.7 in; Nominal Resistance:0.9 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:3.9 in; Torque:12.375 in; Sequence Valve:0.1 in; Load Pressure:7.0 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:81606 lbf; Weight (approx.):111505 lbf; Pressurefree Operation:4990.69 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:1740 rpm; Maximum rotational speed:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/315V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:120 mm; Pilot Pressure:Felt Seal; Flow:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Load Pressure:Round Flange; Drive Power:Light Series; Power:4 x M24; Weight (approx.):LSM120BR; Torque:LSM120BRH; Rate Of Pressure Change:013992028167; Moment of inertia rotary group:17.0 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:14.7 in; Maximum rotational speed:0.9 in; Sequence Valve:3.9 in; Control Pressure Measurement:12.375 in; Maximum Volume Flow:0.1 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):7.0 in; Rotary stiffness:81606 lbf; Nominal Resistance:111505 lbf; Pressurefree Operation:4990.69 lbf; Maximum Torque:1740 rpm; Determining Operating Characteristics:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/100V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Determining Operating Characteristics:120 mm; Nominal Resistance:Felt Seal; Moment of inertia rotary group:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Round Flange; Maximum Volume Flow:Light Series; Maximum angular acceleration:4 x M24; Power:LSM120BR; Maximum Torque:LSM120BRH; Pressurefree Operation:013992028167; Pilot Pressure:17.0 in; Control Fluid Drain:14.7 in; Drive Speed:0.9 in; Torque:3.9 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):12.375 in; Maximum rotational speed:0.1 in; Load Pressure:7.0 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:81606 lbf; Weight (approx.):111505 lbf; Sequence Valve:4990.69 lbf; Voltage:1740 rpm; Flow:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/200V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Power:120 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:Felt Seal; Nominal Resistance:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Maximum Volume Flow:Round Flange; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Light Series; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4 x M24; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):LSM120BR; Drive Speed:LSM120BRH; Control Fluid Drain:013992028167; Pressurefree Operation:17.0 in; Maximum Torque:14.7 in; Drive Power:0.9 in; Load Pressure:3.9 in; Control Pressure Measurement:12.375 in; Weight (approx.):0.1 in; Pilot Pressure:7.0 in; Rotary stiffness:81606 lbf; Maximum rotational speed:111505 lbf; Determining Operating Characteristics:4990.69 lbf; Flow:1740 rpm; Maximum angular acceleration:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/315 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Moment of inertia rotary group:120 mm; Rotary stiffness:Felt Seal; Weight (approx.):Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Pressurefree Operation:Round Flange; Load Pressure:Light Series; Power:4 x M24; Maximum rotational speed:LSM120BR; Determining Operating Characteristics:LSM120BRH; Maximum Torque:013992028167; Rate Of Pressure Change:17.0 in; Sequence Valve:14.7 in; Drive Speed:0.9 in; Control Fluid Drain:3.9 in; Control Pressure Measurement:12.375 in; Case volume:0.1 in; Torque:7.0 in; Voltage:81606 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:111505 lbf; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4990.69 lbf; Nominal Resistance:1740 rpm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
Rexroth ZDB10VA-2-4X/50V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Rate Of Pressure Change:120 mm; Load Pressure:Felt Seal; Drive Power:Split Cylindrical Retained Type; Maximum Torque:Round Flange; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Light Series; Maximum rotational speed:4 x M24; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:LSM120BR; Control Pressure Measurement:LSM120BRH; Power:013992028167; Case volume:17.0 in; Nominal Resistance:14.7 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.9 in; Weight (approx.):3.9 in; Pressurefree Operation:12.375 in; Sequence Valve:0.1 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):7.0 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:81606 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:111505 lbf; Torque:4990.69 lbf; Drive Speed:1740 rpm; Determining Operating Characteristics:This product line was formerly known as “Revolvo”; |
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- DEC Pump Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 12, 28023 Madrid, Spain
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