Home>Products>COMMON RAIL injector>COMMON RAIL 33801-4X810 injector
COMMON RAIL 33801-4X810 injector
COMMON RAIL injector
What are the types of COMMON RAIL 33801-4X810 injector DEC Pump Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. ? COMMON RAIL injector Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free, 0747023047260 EAN Instant price, design review.
- Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- 0.0
- N/A
- 0.082
- B04120
- Crowned
- Stud Type
- 7/16-20
DEC Pump Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Types ofCOMMON RAIL 33801-4X810 injector
- Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing
- Sealed
- Plain Bearing
- Yes
- Yes
- Inch
- Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals
- 1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20 Thread Size; Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing Stud Profile; Sealed Enclosure; Pla
- Cam Followers Stud Type
- 31171530
- 8483.30.80.00
- Bearing
- Cam Follower
- 2106212000
- 0.18
- 0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter
- 0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter
- 1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter
COMMON RAIL 33801-4X810 Details ofCOMMON RAIL 33801-4X810 injector
##Parts Table 1##COMMON RAIL 33801-4X810 injector | ||||||||
Cylinder Block | 25,000 mm | 54,000 mm | 15,000 mm | 56 mm | ||||
Ball Guides | 180 mm | 250 mm | 0,34 | http://www.fag.com | ||||
Socket Bolt | 120 mm | 165 mm | 22 mm | 2.559 Inch | 65 Millimeter | ||||
Set Plate | 2.559 Inch | 65 Millimeter | 5.512 Inch | 140 Millimeter | 1.299 Inch | 33 Millimeter | 450 | ||||
Pressure Plate | No | 3.6 mm | 2.559 Inch | 65 Millimeter | 54,1 | ||||
Central Shaft | 180MM Bore 1; 183MM Bore 2; 250MM Outside Diameter; 56MM Height; Ball Bearing; Single Direction; Not Banded; Steel Cage; ABEC 1 | ISO P0 Precision | 780 r/min | Metric | 250 mm | ||||
Servo Piston | 1.2500 in | 2-19/32 in | 1-57/64 in | Tapped Base | ||||
Set Plate | 7/8 in | 1-1/16 in | 0.0 | M14 | ||||
Skeleton Oil Seal | 1 | 144 N/micron | 113 | Bearing holder set, Outer ring captured type | ||||
Back Plate | No | 0.67 | 113 | Bearings with Housings | ||||
Friction Plate | 50 mm | 1,97 Kg | 51.6 mm | 1.299 Inch | 33 Millimeter | ||||
Swash Plate | 63,5 mm | 122,238 mm | 38,354 mm | Yes | ||||
Seal Kit For Hyd Pump | 2.26 | Accu-Loc | Not Provided | residential |
COMMON RAIL 23670-30050 injector | Maximum rotational speed:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Flow:0.0; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:REGAL BELOIT; Torque:N/A; Drive Speed:0.082; Control Pressure Measurement:B04120; Power:Crowned; Maximum Volume Flow:Stud Type; Case volume:7/16-20; Control Fluid Drain:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Nominal Resistance:Sealed; Moment of inertia rotary group:Plain Bearing; Rate Of Pressure Change:Yes; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Yes; Pressurefree Operation:Inch; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Pilot Pressure:1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Load Pressure:Cam Followers Stud Type; Rotary stiffness:31171530; Determining Operating Characteristics:8483.30.80.00; Maximum angular acceleration:Bearing; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 23670-0L050 injector | Rate Of Pressure Change:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Case volume:0.0; Pressurefree Operation:REGAL BELOIT; Power:N/A; Torque:0.082; Maximum Volume Flow:B04120; Flow:Crowned; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Stud Type; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):7/16-20; Moment of inertia rotary group:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Sealed; Maximum rotational speed:Plain Bearing; Nominal Resistance:Yes; Sequence Valve:Yes; Pilot Pressure:Inch; Rotary stiffness:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Determining Operating Characteristics:1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Load Pressure:Cam Followers Stud Type; Control Fluid Drain:31171530; Maximum Torque:8483.30.80.00; Drive Speed:Bearing; Maximum angular acceleration:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 095000-7780 injector | Nominal Resistance:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Pressurefree Operation:0.0; Load Pressure:REGAL BELOIT; Voltage:N/A; Maximum rotational speed:0.082; Moment of inertia rotary group:B04120; Flow:Crowned; Maximum Volume Flow:Stud Type; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:7/16-20; Determining Operating Characteristics:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Torque:Sealed; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Plain Bearing; Control Fluid Drain:Yes; Case volume:Yes; Control Pressure Measurement:Inch; Maximum angular acceleration:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Sequence Valve:Cam Followers Stud Type; Maximum Torque:31171530; Drive Speed:8483.30.80.00; Weight (approx.):Bearing; Pilot Pressure:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 295050-0740 injector | Flow:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Control Fluid Drain:0.0; Pilot Pressure:REGAL BELOIT; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:N/A; Maximum rotational speed:0.082; Pressurefree Operation:B04120; Case volume:Crowned; Control Pressure Measurement:Stud Type; Power:7/16-20; Voltage:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Determining Operating Characteristics:Sealed; Weight (approx.):Plain Bearing; Rate Of Pressure Change:Yes; Maximum Torque:Yes; Torque:Inch; Moment of inertia rotary group:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Sequence Valve:1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Cam Followers Stud Type; Maximum Volume Flow:31171530; Load Pressure:8483.30.80.00; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Bearing; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 23670-30420 injector | Voltage:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Case volume:0.0; Nominal Resistance:REGAL BELOIT; Weight (approx.):N/A; Control Pressure Measurement:0.082; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:B04120; Rate Of Pressure Change:Crowned; Pilot Pressure:Stud Type; Torque:7/16-20; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Moment of inertia rotary group:Sealed; Rotary stiffness:Plain Bearing; Drive Power:Yes; Pressurefree Operation:Yes; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Inch; Control Fluid Drain:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Sequence Valve:1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Drive Speed:Cam Followers Stud Type; Load Pressure:31171530; Maximum angular acceleration:8483.30.80.00; Maximum Torque:Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 23670-29035 injector | Voltage:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Maximum Torque:0.0; Case volume:REGAL BELOIT; Pressurefree Operation:N/A; Torque:0.082; Drive Power:B04120; Determining Operating Characteristics:Crowned; Maximum angular acceleration:Stud Type; Rotary stiffness:7/16-20; Maximum Volume Flow:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Drive Speed:Sealed; Rate Of Pressure Change:Plain Bearing; Control Fluid Drain:Yes; Maximum rotational speed:Yes; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Inch; Flow:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Weight (approx.):1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Nominal Resistance:Cam Followers Stud Type; Pilot Pressure:31171530; Moment of inertia rotary group:8483.30.80.00; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Bearing; Sequence Valve:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 095000-6240 injector | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Flow:0.0; Rotary stiffness:REGAL BELOIT; Rate Of Pressure Change:N/A; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.082; Load Pressure:B04120; Moment of inertia rotary group:Crowned; Weight (approx.):Stud Type; Sequence Valve:7/16-20; Power:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Control Pressure Measurement:Sealed; Nominal Resistance:Plain Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:Yes; Maximum angular acceleration:Yes; Voltage:Inch; Drive Speed:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Pressurefree Operation:Cam Followers Stud Type; Maximum rotational speed:31171530; Drive Power:8483.30.80.00; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 095000-6250 injector | Weight (approx.):Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.0; Case volume:REGAL BELOIT; Control Fluid Drain:N/A; Rotary stiffness:0.082; Maximum Torque:B04120; Pilot Pressure:Crowned; Drive Speed:Stud Type; Maximum angular acceleration:7/16-20; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Torque:Sealed; Flow:Plain Bearing; Rate Of Pressure Change:Yes; Determining Operating Characteristics:Yes; Moment of inertia rotary group:Inch; Load Pressure:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Maximum rotational speed:1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Power:Cam Followers Stud Type; Maximum Volume Flow:31171530; Nominal Resistance:8483.30.80.00; Voltage:Bearing; Pressurefree Operation:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 09500-5214 injector | Rate Of Pressure Change:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Case volume:0.0; Torque:REGAL BELOIT; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):N/A; Rotary stiffness:0.082; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:B04120; Drive Power:Crowned; Weight (approx.):Stud Type; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:7/16-20; Pressurefree Operation:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Flow:Sealed; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Plain Bearing; Drive Speed:Yes; Maximum angular acceleration:Yes; Nominal Resistance:Inch; Maximum Volume Flow:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Maximum Torque:1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Control Pressure Measurement:Cam Followers Stud Type; Sequence Valve:31171530; Pilot Pressure:8483.30.80.00; Voltage:Bearing; Load Pressure:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 23670-29036 injector | Maximum angular acceleration:Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type; Case volume:0.0; Maximum Torque:REGAL BELOIT; Drive Power:N/A; Rotary stiffness:0.082; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):B04120; Rate Of Pressure Change:Crowned; Flow:Stud Type; Maximum rotational speed:7/16-20; Torque:Standard Stud with Eccentric Bushing; Pressurefree Operation:Sealed; Load Pressure:Plain Bearing; Nominal Resistance:Yes; Pilot Pressure:Yes; Determining Operating Characteristics:Inch; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Self Lubricating | Lubri-Disc Seals; Voltage:1" Roller Diameter; 5/8" Roller Width; Crowned Roller Surface Profile; 7/16" Stud Diameter; 7/16-20; Sequence Valve:Cam Followers Stud Type; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:31171530; Moment of inertia rotary group:8483.30.80.00; Maximum Volume Flow:Bearing; Control Pressure Measurement:Cam Follower; Manufacturer Item Number:BCCFE 1 SB; Manufacturer Internal Number:2106212000; Weight / LBS:0.18; Roller Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; Stud Diameter:0.438 Inch | 11.125 Millimeter; Roller Diameter:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; |
COMMON RAIL 33801-4X810 injector Video
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- DEC Pump Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
- AddressEdificio A - Planta Baja Derecha, C/ Basauri, 12, 28023 Madrid, Spain
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